Oxford: 01865 950972 Marlow: 01628 951283 London: 020 3883 1288

Arts & Entertainment Lawyers Oxford, Marlow & London


A specialist team drawn together by their experience and passion for the arts and entertainment

Our clients include artists, authors, literary estates, art dealers and collectors, galleries and those in the film and entertainment industries both in the UK and abroad

Our renowned Private Client lawyers marry their passion for the arts, culture and entertainment with their expertise, technical knowledge, experience and awareness of the specific intricacies for clients in these industries.
We have considerable experience in acting for individuals, estates and trustees, executors, institutional and individual collectors and many more.
Please do contact Caroline Belam or Sabrina Underwood for more information.

Examples of our work

By way of example, our team has experience of the following:
● Wills & estate planning for high-profile artists, art dealers and collectors, including advising on bequests to museums and business property relief.
● Advising clients on specific issues such as royalties, conditional exemptions for art, business property relief, intellectual property
● Tax planning for international artists (domicile, residence, wealth planning and related issues)
● Administering estates of international artists
● Advising trustees on their collection of fine art and antiques, including inventories, insurance, sales, conditional exemption and tax calculations and liaising with auction houses
● Advising those in the creative industries on personal service companies and reporting
● Unwinding film schemes and their CGT consequences
● Advising clients in the gaming industry, including in relation to Business Property Relief
● Advising the attorneys under a lasting power of attorney regarding the finances and living arrangement of an elderly film star

● Advising clients on licensing of their work and intellectual property considerations
● Advising on disputes regarding ownership of art and other issues involving agents, auction houses and galleries
● Navigating cross-border tax issues
● Advising clients on their philanthropic aims, including tax efficient giving, establishing charities and charitable foundations
● Wealth structuring, including advising on appropriate holding structures
● Advising on qualifying for conditional exemption for heritage assets, and handling sales and gifts to family, and advising on gifts by private treaty to museums
● Advising on succession planning for the devolution of art
● Advising authors on Wills and estate planning, with specific appointment of literary executors for their literary estate 

Helping you make decisions about the future with clarity and empathy

Read our Arts & Entertainment case studies

The team is superbly put together, showing professionalism and personality in equal measure’" 

Legal 500, 2024

Contact The Burnside Partnership

For more information on our services or how we can help, please get in touch.