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We are named as one of the 2019 eprivateclient Top UK Law Firms

We are named as one of the 2019 eprivateclient Top UK Law Firms

The Burnside Partnership is recognised for its expertise

The Burnside Partnership has been named one of the UK’s top law firms by eprivateclient for its work within the private wealth sector.

eprivateclient is the leading website and news service for private client practitioners. Its rankings are an in depth analysis of the top UK law firms providing high quality private client services to wealthy individuals and families based both domestically and internationally. The list reflects not only the size of firms’ Private Client teams, but also their reputations within the private wealth sector and the emphasis placed upon looking after wealthy clients and their families.

Partner, Fiona Wheeler said: “We are absolutely delighted to be recognised as a Top Law Firm by eprivateclient. Our team works incredibly hard to provide technically outstanding legal advice as well as excellent client service in a practical, friendly and down to earth manner. We are extremely proud of our team and very pleased to receive this recognition.”