Oxford: 01865 950972 Marlow: 01628 951283 London: 020 3883 1288

Meet The Team


Joanna Ensor


Joanna is a full member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP) with 15 years of experience working as a lawyer. She qualified as a Solicitor in January 2009 and completed her STEP qualifications in 2020.
Joanna works closely with private clients helping to manage their wealth, tailoring her advice to their needs through a range of different services, including drafting Wills and Discretionary Trusts including Vulnerable Beneficiary Trusts. She is an accredited member of the Association of Lifetime Lawyers.
She also has experience in the preparation and registration of Lasting and Enduring Powers of Attorney and the Administration of Estates, as well as working with clients through more complex private matters including Will challenges. 
Joanna takes pride in building relationships with clients offering them a personal and compassionate service. 

Contact The Burnside Partnership

For more information on our services or how we can help, please get in touch.